A trip to Masai Mara


The Masai Mara National Reserve is one of the largest national reserves in the world with over 583 square miles of outstanding wilderness;all in southwest Kenya. Situated in the heart of the Great African Rift Valley, the national reserve is a home to a wide variety of wildlife. Masai Mara is famous for the ‘Great Immigration’of the Wildebeests which is one of the most thrilling, fascinating and remarkable displays of the wild, that takes place in East Africa.

If the spectacular scenery, the diverse wildlife and the pure scent of nature sounds exciting to you, then a trip with us to Masai Mara is what you’re looking for! Our exciting expedition to the Masai Mara National Reserve is a life-changing experience that will make you look at life with new lenses.

Here’s an insight into the adventure!

On day one, after the arrival at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (Originally named Embakasi Airport), you will be welcomed by our representative who will brief you with all the necessary details required to ensure that your experience is top-notch. Following the briefing, a drive to the Ibis hotel for dinner and overnight stay will follow. Here, you must make sure to rest well and prepare for the upcoming adventure!

On day two,you will be briefed by our representative with vital info to ensure maximum safety and the best experience possible. Post briefing, you will be driven to Wilson Airport for the flight to Masai Mara at 8:00 am. A short flight of sixty minutes will take you from Nairobi to Masai Mara. The flight is accompanied with beautiful scenery, landing you into the reserve, Masai Mara.

After arrival, there will be a scheduled morning game drive from 11:30 am to 1 pm. After the drive you can check in at the lodge and proceed to lunch. After resting and refreshing yourself, prepare for the evening game drive which will commence at 3 pm and last till 6:30 pm. Once you’re back from the drive, you can enjoy dinner at the lodge and rest for the night.

From day three to day six, the schedule remains the same. The days will comprise of exciting game drives in the mornings and evenings, and the nights will comprise of dinners and sleepovers at the Masai Mara lodge, in the quest to see the big 5 of the African Savanna.

Morning Game Drives will include catching the mesmerizingsunrises, the planned sightings, and picnicbreakfasts.

After the morning drive, you will be driven back to the resort for lunch and torest, before the evening drives commence.

Evening Game drives will involve venturing into the jungle where animals are just starting to get active and on the prowl. After completing the planned activity for the evening, we finish with a fabulous sunset over the African plains.

Day seven, marking the end of a wonderful trip to Masai Mara, will comprise of the following activities.

After the early morning drive till 10am, you can savor your last breakfast on the expedition. After breakfast, a scheduled flight back to Nairobi will commence at 11:45 am. You will arrive at the Wilson Airport in Nairobi by 1.15 pm. Upon arrival, you will be driven back to JKIA airport with a stop at a souvenir shop where you can purchase gifts for your loved ones and yourself. There willalso be time for quick lunch. You will then catch your flight back home. This would be the end of your journey with us, until next time of course!